Candidate for THPRD Director Position #3

Candidate for THPRD Director Position #3

Barbie’s Priorities



I am committed to make COVID-19 recovery a key priority following a year of devastating loss.  We must keep the health and safety of our staff and patrons at the forefront, but balance creative solutions that continue to welcome folks in parks, on trails, and ultimately, back to facilities with indoor programming.  THPRD is uniquely positioned to support our community during a time when the outdoors provides so many benefits for physical and mental health. 



I will advocate for continued preservation of natural spaces, as well as expanding and procuring new land, with an emphasis on equitable design.  I will continue the great work being done to establish THPRD as a leader in responding to climate change and reducing THPRD’s carbon footprint, as identified as a key priority by THPRD’s Visioning Task Force.



I am driven to ensure that the Board of Directors remains committed and intentional in the effort to serve and represent all members of our diverse community.  Every decision I make will be centered and guided by the commitment to dismantle systemic racism and address the needs of underserved and underrepresented communities.  

These are just some of the priorities that matter most to me. However, I am eager to connect with you, the community, and to hear directly about your experience with THPRD and what you would like to see in the coming years.

Email me:

“Guided by a core value:

Be a good human & have fun!”

—Barbie Minor